CNN recently published an article titled;
"Is homework making your child sick?" Homework, however much people may not like it, serves many purposes. If you would just put down your bias for a second, you'd be able to see why it has been in use
for 30 years.
In the article, they state:
The researchers sought to examine the relationship between homework load and student well-being and engagement, as well as to understand how homework can act as a stressor in students' lives. Their findings were troubling: Research showed that excessive homework is associated with high stress levels, physical health problems and lack of balance in children's lives; 56% of the students in the study cited homework as a primary stressor in their lives.
Ok, 5 hours might be a bit excessive, but a decent dose of homework not only reinforces learning, but also wheedles out the weak. In high school, if you don't do your homework, you grade will drop several letters. Homework is a way for colleges and employers to see who is a good worker and who isn't. And you want to take that away? For what? "Equality"?
Let me tell you something that you, as an adult, should have understood by now: Life. Is. Not. Fair. Period. End of story. Anyone who thinks otherwise is living is a fantasy world. Even if it weren't so, and your goal in life was to make life fair for everybody, ask yourself this; what is fair? If there where someone who was only 5' 3", and they wanted to play football, it would be unfair to bar them, right? So, what do you do? Tell the other players to "Go easy on him?" But then that's not fair to the other players, is it? How is that feasible?
So, homework is not only a vital learning tool for academics, but also for life skills. For some people it's easier, but what are you gonna do? Give the kids who have a harder time a lighter load? Again, how would
that be fair?
Link to the article here: